Z Desk Support Tickets System with Knowledge Base and FAQs Nulled developed to create a support ticketing. It allows live chatting, posting articles, and FAQs. It supports the creation of multiple departments and user roles based on your needs.
Z Desk Nulled Features
- Mobile Friendly
- Bootstrap 5 (Main Website)
- Based on CodeIgniter 3
- Easy Installation Using Wizard
- Dashboard and Statistics
- Multiple Departments
- Assign Multiple Users to Departments
- Ticketing System
- Live Chatting (For Registered Users)
- Tickets History
- Auto Close Tickets
- Generate Reports (.pdf)
- Email and Website Notifications
- Knowledge Base
- Share Articles on Social Media
- Helpful or Not Helfpul Voting
- FAQs Management
- Announcements
- Unlimited User Roles
- Unlimited Staff Members
- Canned Replies with Placeholders
- Custom Fields (Tickets Creation Area)
- Assign Tickets to Agents
- Option to Show all Tickets or only Assigned (Roles)
- 3 Colors for Public Pages
- Generic User Login and Registration
- Login with Username and Email Address
- Social Login with Facebook, Google, and Twitter
- Google reCaptcha
- Secured Against XSS, SQL Injection and CSRF
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/z-desk-support-tickets-system-with-knowledge-base-and-faqs/33454477